Friday, April 8, 2011

New Zealand Movies? They do exist.

Last Saturday night, I went out with the Kiwi Flatmate for her first taste of Texas barbecue.  We met some friends and the conversation turned to movies.  From the opposite end of the table, I asked the Kiwi Flatmate, "Do they have movies in New Zealand?"

The table got quiet, as I'm sure everyone was thinking, "Duh, of course they have movies in New Zealand!"  But what I meant was, is there a strong New Zealand film industry?  So I clarified that.

"Yeah, there's the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy," my boyfriend, the 84% Texan, joked.

After the commotion over my poorly worded question died down, the Kiwi Flatmate informed us that yes, they do make lots of movies in New Zealand.  She said that one of the more famous ones is Once Were Warriors which, due to themes of domestic violence and the main character's wardrobe, popularized the use of the term "wifebeater" to refer to a sleeveless men's undershirt.

Upon further research, I found that in addition to Lord of the Rings, other American films such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Bridge to Terabithia, and The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep were all filmed in New Zealand.  What's with all of these fantasy flicks being shot there? Does this mean New Zealand = Fantasy Land?  Maybe Parker Brothers was right after all and New Zealand doesn't really exist?

American Roomie


  1. NZ also has a good TV industry. Xena, Hercules & Spartacus have all been filmed here and we have created Outrageous Fortune & The Almighty Johnsons.

  2. Woah, I had no idea! I'll have to check those out!
