Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No bites with Marmite

On Saturday, I went to hike in the Greenbelt for the first time.  Before I left, I told the Kiwi Flatmate that I liked the outdoors, but that I don't like bugs.  She suggested that I eat some Marmite before I go.  

The Kiwi Flatmate had Marmite sent to her from New Zealand.

Marmite is a savory spread that New Zealanders and much of the former British empire eat on toast.  Since it has such a strong smell, I thought she meant that rubbing it on me would create an aura that no bugs (and nobody, for that matter) would want to get near.  In fact, I even thought of a cartoon character who must have used Marmite:

Who knew Pig Pen's smell came from Marmite?

Then the Kiwi Flatmate corrected me.  "You don't rub it on your body!  You eat it, and since it has vitamin B in it, it makes your skin give off something the bugs don't like."  Hmmm...I don't know if I'd rather eat Marmite or get bitten by bugs.  I think I'd opt for the latter.

American Roomie

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