Thursday, April 28, 2011


Last night, the Jamerican, the Kiwi Flatmate, the Murder Mystery Waitress, and I went to PechaKucha night.  If you haven't been to one of these events before, you should definitely go here and find out about one in your city.  Presenters show 20 images for 20 seconds each.  Their talk coordinates with the slides, which are on an automatic timer.  It makes for fast-paced, informative, and usually funny presentations.  

Seaholm Power Plant

The events are held in different locations each time, and last night we were at the Seaholm Power Plant, which was very eerie and we kinda felt like we were in Batman.  The speakers were two artists, two musicians, a trailer park food blogger, a photographer, a furniture designer, a burlesque dancer, and a group of four guys that we weren't really sure what they were.  

Southpaw Jones, a local musician, completely stole the show with the short, funny songs he made up to go with 20 random slides the organizers had picked out for him ahead of time.  This morning I've been listening to his music online.  I was hoping for songs as playful and hilarious as what I heard last night and was not disappointed.

But the most interesting fact I picked up last night was from artist Bieli Liu.  Not only was her art awesome, but she also told us about the Chinese legend of the red string of fate.  According to this, the gods tie an invisible red thread around the ankles of two people who are soul mates.  I read more about the legend on wikipedia, and I really dig it.  I also realized that these guys must be soul mates:

American Roomie

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