Three graduate students from different corners of the globe meet through Craigslist and live together in a house affectionately dubbed The Red Door. The door of the house has recently been painted a maroonish color, but whatever...
Born and raised in Texas. Uses I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Butter-Spray on her toast and reads way too much celebrity gossip. Has studied abroad twice in France and traveled through much of Europe, but never ceases to be amazed by the quirkiness of different cultures.
The Kiwi Flatmate
Born and raised in New Zealand. Eats marmite on her toast and thinks Americans drive far too carelessly. Went to uni and worked in Australia. Has traveled all over the world and spent six months in South America before coming to the U.S. for grad school.
The Jamerican
Born in Jamaica and moved to Florida when she was eight. Uses regular butter on her toast and loves to talk on the phone. Taught English in Spain for two years and is also a world traveler.