Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jamerican Accents

We talk a lot about accents at The Red Door.  Mostly because we have very different accents.  As you might have guessed, the Kiwi Flatmate speaks with a distinct New Zealand accent.  The Jamerican and I both talk Amerrrican (i.e. we like those R's).  The Jamerican studies speech pathology and can mimic most accents pretty well.  Her Scottish accent is dead on.  But the curious thing is, she will not (or cannot?) do a Jamaican accent.  Whenever she tries, she freezes up and then bursts into laughter.  

The Jamerican lived in Jamaica until she was 8, so the Kiwi Flatmate and I keep thinking we can get something good out of her.  The best we've gotten so far is for her to share with us some Jamaican proverbs such as, "Wanti wanti cyan getti getti.  Getti getti nuh wanti wanti."  Also, she showed us this video and translated it for us.

Stay tuned because soon we will be having an The Contest of the acCentury in which we all try to do each others accents.  

American Roomie

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