Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Itchin' to Scratch

Ever had an itch you just can't help scratching?  Earlier this evening, the Jamerican came home with ant bites on her ankle that would not stop itching.  I suggested taking an Advil pill and rubbing it on the bite to alleviate the itch.  The Jamerican was skeptical that this would work, and rightly so since that wouldn't have.  I was thinking of a home remedy I had read involving aspirin.  

Instead, the Jamerican turned to the Kiwi Flatmate for help since she studies public health.  The Kiwi Flatmate came to the rescue suggesting that the she tickle herself somewhere between the bite and her head.  The tickling, the Kiwi Flatmate explained, would confuse the nervous system by interrupting the signal of the itch being sent to the brain.  The Jamerican tickled the upper part of her leg.  It didn't work.  Then she tickled right above the ant bite.  It worked!  Not only did she no longer itch, but she was smiling from the tickling!  

I love this anti-itch, mood enhancing cure!  I almost can't wait to get a bite and try it myself.  Scratch that.  I can wait.  Wait!  Don't scratch that...Tickle it!

The Jamerican tickling her foot.

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