Monday, April 25, 2011

Kiwi-Lime Pie Challenge Accepted

The Kiwi Flatmate has accepted my challenge to make a Kiwi-Lime Pie without a recipe.  She will attempt this as soon as the spring semester has finished. 

Here are the rules:

1.  She will create the pie without consulting a recipe or the internet.

2.  She has the option of using a pre-made crust.

3.  The Jamerican and I will judge the pie based on overall appearance, taste, overall impression, and level of creativity.  

I'm a little nervous to see what she comes up with, but I think it's got to be better than this:

Pork, egg, and bacon pie...heart attack city!

A pork, egg, and bacon pie?  That sounds like a pig's nightmare!

American Roomie

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