Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Texas Weather = New Zealand Weather

Yesterday was cold!  Instead of the spring-borderline-summer weather we've had lately here in Texas, there was a cold front Sunday night.  Today the high temperature of 62 degrees (17 C) tied the old record low maximum temperature for this day set in 1966.  Brrrrr!  

You know, it almost feels like fall weather.  I think this is what's called a New Zealand May Moment, or what the kids call a NZMM*.  Since the seasons are reversed in NZ, fall is just ending, winter is setting in, and highs have been in the low 60's (16 C).


Check out today's weather maps for Texas and New Zealand.  Same color...hmmm...Maybe the fact that the Kiwi Flatmate and I are living together is causing the temperatures in these places to sync up?

American Roomie

*I just made that up.

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