Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Best Way to Eat a Mango: American, New Zealand, and Jamaican Methods Compared

It turns out that the Kiwi Flatmate, the Jamerican, and I all have completely different ways of eating a mango.  I love mangoes, so I was excited to learn some new ways of slicing and dicing.  Here is a comparison of the three methods:

Peel and Slice:  The American Roomie's Method

The way I have always eaten a mango is by first peeling the skin with a knife.  Then I slice off sections of the fruit half moon shapes.  This results in slippery and satisfying mango pieces. 

pros:  visually appealing, nice slippery taste in mouth, easy to serve to others
cons:  difficult and time consuming to prepare, messy to eat with fingers, requires a knife

Slice, Score, and Flip:  The Kiwi Flatmate's Method

The Kiwi Flatmate slices half of the mango off and then scores the fruit by slicing vertically and horizontally.  Then she pushes on the skin side of the mango half until the fruit flips out.  This provides cubes of mango that can easily be bitten off.  


pros:  pretty much mess free, easy way to get cubes of mango, the flipping part is fun
cons:  requires a knife, sometimes difficult to flip

Skin and Eat:  The Jamerican's Method

The Jamerican washes the mango, bites into it, peels the skin back until there is enough fruit revealed to take a solid bite.  She keeps peeling with her teeth and eating as she goes until all that's left is the pit.


pros:  no knife required, the awesome feeling of biting into a mango like you would an apple
cons:  messy, lots of strings in teeth, can't really share with someone else (but then again, mangoes are so good, why would you share?)

Which mango method do you prefer?

American Roomie

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